Why Middle East companies should not write off the over 40s when recruiting

  • Date: 09-Nov-2020
  • Source: Arabian Business
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Middle East
  • Who else needs to know?

Why Middle East companies should not write off the over 40s when recruiting

“These candidates look perfect – but how old are they?” This is actually a question we recruiters can face, and sadly one that we still here in the region.

Being 40 years old, I realise that some businesses might now consider people my age too old, which I find unbelievable. The CEO of a leading advertising group recently bragged: “The average age of someone who works at our firm is less than 30 – they don't hark back to the 1980s, luckily”. Insulting most of his senior management in the process.

Naturally, I feel quite passionate about this. A workforce that reflects the world, and likely your customer base, makes for a stronger team. Like in sport, experience compliments youth incredibly well, just look at the make-up of the most successful teams.
