BlackRock’s Larry Fink says CEOs should give young workers what they want: ‘Companies that deliver are reaping the rewards’

  • Date: 18-Jan-2022
  • Source: Business Insider
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Middle East
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BlackRock’s Larry Fink says CEOs should give young workers what they want: ‘Companies that deliver are reaping the rewards’

In a remote work world, it's not just where we're working from that's different. It's also how we're working with each other. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink that leaders need to work with employees to navigate the new world of work, fostering an environment that expands its focus beyond pay and flexibility. That includes thinking about how to connect to social issues that matter to employees. "In addition to upending our relationship with where we physically work, the pandemic also shone a light on issues like racial equity, childcare, and mental health – and revealed the gap between generational expectations at work," he wrote. The 2010s economy saw generational differences emerge as , bringing tech-savviness and a desire for flexibility that older generations weren't used to. The pandemic era of the 2020s ushered more Gen Zers into the foray, adding another generational divide to the mix as this generation was more assertive about what companies can do for them. It turns out, millennials and Gen Z want the same things — they just ask for it in different ways. And Fink says boomer executives should pay attention. "Companies that deliver are reaping the rewards," he added. "Our research shows that companies