Climate Czar Kerry Wants Ex-Keystone Workers To Make Solar Panels. That Will Require Importing Less China Solar Panels.

Climate Czar Kerry Wants Ex-Keystone Workers To Make Solar Panels. That Will Require Importing Less China Solar Panels.

President Biden's new "climate czar“ John Kerry says laid off workers in the fossil fuels industry should be able to easily transfer their skill set into solar. He specifically said they can "make solar panels“ instead of making the Keystone pipeline that Biden canceled on day two of his tenure in the White House.

"What President Biden wants to do is make sure those folks have better choices, that they have alternatives, that they can be the people to go to work to make the solar panels,“ Kerry said.

But before anyone says that "they can make solar panels“ is the new "learn to code“, just hold your fire for a bit.

These really can be union paid jobs, and this is a growth industry, unlike fossil fuels, which for now is the most hated industry in Congress and among the World Economic Forum jet set.

Solar jobs are manufacturing jobs that don't require STEM degrees from Stanford and MIT, unlike computer science. I will never learn to code and make a blockchain platform or build the new hologram phone. I can barely get my laptop's fan to stop spinning and making noise. But I bet I can learn to run the machines that