Community Is At The Heart Of Social Audio With Clubhouse

Community Is At The Heart Of Social Audio With Clubhouse

Are you on the Clubhouse app? If you are, you are one of the lucky ones to enter this private, beta invitation-only platform which has become the new darling of the social media world. Clubhouse takes the "six degrees of separation“ concept to a whole new, real-time level. People around the world visit in the app's "rooms“ with people that would have never been in their network or within their reach to speak to such as Elon Musk, Oprah, Soulja Boy, and the most recent tech leader to jump in on Clubhouse, Mark Zuckerberg. Some even describe it as the next generation of TEDx talks with real-time Q&A.

I was invited to Clubhouse back in September 2020 and I have to be honest, I did a happy dance when I saw the text invite. After joining in on the conversations and seeing the possibilities, I launched a "Futurist & Foresight“ club. I also co-moderate a weekly Extended Reality (AR/VR) club. After a brief holiday hiatus, I have been pulled back into the vortex of real-time social audio, and it is truly showing the reason it has been trending globally. I would dare to say that Clubhouse has become my third most