How to navigate GameStop madness – The strategy that outsmarted Wall Street – How Reddit traders are driving a populist movement

  • Date: 01-Feb-2021
  • Source: Business Insider
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Middle East
  • Who else needs to know?

How to navigate GameStop madness – The strategy that outsmarted Wall Street – How Reddit traders are driving a populist movement

Hello and welcome to Insider Investing. I'm Joe Ciolli, and I'm here to guide you through what's been happening in markets, as well as what to expect in the coming weeks. This week is packed with all the GameStop and Reddit content you could ever ask for.

Here's what's on the docket:

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Your weekly recap and outlook

If you're reading this, that means you managed to make it through the stock market's most absurb week in recent memory. You'll always remember where you were when Reddit day traders banded together and pumped 90's nostalgia stocks like GameStop to the moon “” an unprecedented uprising that sent ripples through every layer of the financial system.

The story starts, of course, with the traders themselves, who conduct their business on r/WallStreetBets subreddit. They threw the exact perfect mix of market savvy, anti-establishment sentiment, and sheer will into a blender and came out with a destabilizing cocktail that left established Wall Streeters scrambling clean up the mess.

The central concept was relatively simple: