Inside PwC’s $12bn bet on ESG

  • Date: 16-Jun-2021
  • Source: Financial Times
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Middle East
  • Who else needs to know?

Inside PwC’s $12bn bet on ESG

How do you make sustainability ideas fun “” and easy to grasp? That's a question the Moral Money team has been grappling with from inception, since the environmental, social and governance (ESG) sector is drowning in ugly acronyms and jargon “” and can sound irritatingly pious to outsiders.

But now we are launching a new experiment: irreverent Moral Money animated cartoons on topics such as ESG, net zero, biodiversity, activism, and so on. You can find the first two here and here, or on YouTube, and more will soon follow. So please show them to anyone who needs a quick, tongue-in-cheek, explanation of ESG (think: teenager, student, auditor or your friendly neighbourhood CEO.)

Then point out the reasons why these messages are so relevant right now, in sectors ranging from the British mortgage market to the Securities and Exchange Commission to Big Four auditors to G7 policy (and, let us not forget among nuns, who will also feature in an upcoming cartoon.) Read on. “” Gillian Tett

PwC places a $12bn bet on trust 

The opportunity ESG reporting presents to audit firms has been obvious for some time, not least in the Big Four's eagerness to shape the standards for how companies measure their environmental