iov42: How Smart Contracts Can Benefit Supply Chains

  • Date: 21-Nov-2021
  • Source: The Fintech Times
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Middle East
  • Who else needs to know?

iov42: How Smart Contracts Can Benefit Supply Chains

David Coleman is the Chief Product Officer at iov42 . Coleman jumped straight into the fire of a startup by interning as a programmer after his first year of a Computer Engineering degree. His newfound passion for creative problem solving inspired him to join the company full-time and finish his degree in his spare time. After the startup was sold, Coleman moved into investment banking, designing and engineering high performance, high throughput systems. He continued to build this expertise in the financial sector, going on to initiate and run an API First initiative at a large global bank. During his first foray into blockchain, Coleman won Thomson Reuters ’ 2016 and 2017 Hackathons, and with his interest in blockchain piqued, he joined iov42 in 2018. He now heads up the product team, where he loves the challenge of combining his love of technological innovation with solving hard business problems. Day to day, most of us give little thought to the supply chains underpinning the delivery of our food, clothes and other basic amenities. But over the past few months, post-pandemic supply chain disruption has dominated headlines. From panic-fuelled empty petrol pumps to the threat of a toy shortage at Christmas,