Money Supply Growth Indicates The US Boom Continues –

  • Date: 11-May-2021
  • Source:
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Middle East
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Money Supply Growth Indicates The US Boom Continues –

The major trends in monetary inflation result in a boom-bust cycle. In particular, a rising trend in the money-supply growth rate leads to increased consumption and investment spending, ushering-in the boom phase of the cycle. A subsequent decline in the rate of money-supply growth reveals the investing errors of the boom and leads to a liquidation process, which is the bust phase of the cycle. In other words, monetary inflation causes the boom and the boom causes the bust.

Once a boom is set in motion by creating lots of money out of nothing, a painful bust that eliminates all or most the boom’s apparent gains is inevitable. The only question is the timing. Even if the central bank tries to keep the boom going forever by maintaining a rapid pace of money-supply growth, all it will do is set the scene for the eventual bust to involve hyperinflation and a total economic breakdown.

Unfortunately, the timing question can’t be answered well in advance of the start of the boom-to-bust transition. However, there are indicators that usually generate warning signals early enough to be useful. Two such signals are credit spreads and the gold/commodity ratio.