The New White House Unified Agenda Of Federal Regulations Promises Government Activism

  • Date: 14-Jun-2021
  • Source: Forbes
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Middle East
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The New White House Unified Agenda Of Federal Regulations Promises Government Activism

Share to Linkedin Federal agencies outline their regulatory priorities in the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (the "Agenda") each Spring and Fall. The Agenda's appearance is chronically erratic though, with the Biden administration's tardy first edition appearing on June 11. While the little-known Agenda provides a useful snapshot of rules in the pipeline and just finalized, political considerations like elections or can sometimes alter priorities and cause agencies to accelerate rulemaking or abstain and report fewer rules, affecting the Agenda's content and bulk. The Biden administration has never been subtle about its regulatory ambitions, however, and the new Agenda reflects that. On the spending side, the Biden administration has promised, along with G7 leaders, to keep the "taps open" and "go big." In much the same respect that Biden's $6 trillion fiscal budget unabashedly calls for a nation to debt-spend its way to prosperity, the White House regulatory Agenda envisions a realm regulating itself into a progressive utopia. Announced in a White House Office of Management and Budget press release called "An Agenda to Continue Powering A Robust and Equitable Economic Recovery," Sharon Block, the Acting Administrator of Office of Management and Budget's Office of Information and