What is an access-based business model and how can it tackle waste and protect resources?

  • Date: 06-Apr-2022
  • Source: World Economic Forum
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Middle East
  • Who else needs to know?

What is an access-based business model and how can it tackle waste and protect resources?

An "access-based" business model entails selling the function or performance of products to consumers through sharing, leasing and hiring schemes.

This sustainable business model could be extended to sell the function or performance of components and materials to manufacturers and that of minerals to material suppliers.

Rethinking ownership of components, materials and minerals is both an opportunity to create commercial value and achieve sustainable impact.

Car clubs, bike shares, vacation rentals. As consumers, we’re becoming increasingly familiar with sharing or borrowing goods that have traditionally been owned, examples of what’s known as an “access-based” business model.

Consuming “access to products” instead of the products themselves can play an important role in addressing environmental challenges. However, to meet future environmental challenges, we need to extend the application of access-based business models beyond finished goods, and rethink ownership of goods across the whole value chain.

What is an access-based business model?

An access-based business model is based on customers accessing the function or performance of goods, rather than owning them. Businesses that offer consumers access to products are increasingly emerging. In addition to cars, bicycles and homes, the model is available for clothing, power tools, headphones, detergent bottles and