It is not going to be business as usual in the post-coronavirus world – The National

  • Date: 15-Apr-2020
  • Source: The National
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Middle East
  • Who else needs to know?

It is not going to be business as usual in the post-coronavirus world – The National

It is not going to be business as usual in the post-coronavirus world. It has to be worldwide because business is now firmly wedded to globalisation.. Bill Gates: How the world can end the pandemic. There has not been an event like it since the outbreak of the Second World War.. Those who lived through the Second World War or heard the tales from their parents were made to understand that lives could be turned upside down.. The generation learned to put money aside "for a rainy day".. Coronavirus is our World War Two, our rainy day.. We are seeing that those businesses that step up during the crisis and are helping the common good raise their standing.. We will have shifted, too, from despising big government to appreciating what governments are capable of - once they get their act together.. Business will be less contemptuous of interference, preferring to co-operate with government rather than demean it.. But whether businesses are willing to pay the additional taxes that will surely come to pay for the fightback is open to question.. The virus has also caused us to pause in another way.. Businesses ought to expect renewed pressure for anti-pollution