Nepal orders the closure of schools due to air pollution

Nepal orders the closure of schools due to air pollution

Students walk back to their homes amid smoggy conditions in Kathmandu. AFP

Gulf Today Report 

Nepal has closed schools for four days due to air pollution reaching hazardous levels.

With a population of 30 million people, Nepal is located in the Himalayas between China and India, two of the world's biggest polluters.

In the rapidly growing capital city of Kathmandu, air pollution is a serious problem, over the weekend, the pollution reached its highest level since 2016. 

Commuters make their way along a road amid smoggy conditions in Kathmandu. AFP

The 24-hour average level of PM2.5, fine particulate matter that can reach deep into the lungs, was 214 micrograms per cubic metre in the upscale area of Bhaisepati in Kathmandu on Sunday, Department of Environment data showed. That compares with the government's standard level of 40 micrograms per cubic metre.

"This also adds to the risk of COVID-19," said Sher Bahadur