Is Joe Biden Making a 14th Grade? President Said 12 Years of Education No Longer Enough

Is Joe Biden Making a 14th Grade? President Said 12 Years of Education No Longer Enough

President Joe Biden has praised America's K-12 education system for fuelling the country's economic growth over the decades, but on Wednesday he said the system was no longer working.

Comparing the U.S. education system against the rest of the world's, the president said in an address in Congress on Wednesday: "The world has caught up, or catching up. They are not waiting. Twelve years is no longer enough today to compete with the rest of the world in the 21st century."

The pandemic has had a huge toll on America's youth, with almost half of high school graduates out of work, according to government data. Pew Research Center analysis in April showed that younger adults were more likely to have lost jobs during the pandemic than older ones.