The Best, And Worst, REITs For Social Distancing

The Best, And Worst, REITs For Social Distancing

REIT prices can move together (for example, drop when the 10-year Treasury yield rises).. Many stocks have been trashed for good reason, but bargains do exist.. We don't talk tech often as most NASDAQ firms tend to pay little or no dividends.. There is a backdoor way that we can profit from tech's strength and collect dividends, and that's by cherry-picking REITs (which do yield something) that rent to tech firms.. Innovation-focused companies often let their employees work from home, so the current situation is nothing new.. I would expect most are paying their rent just fine today, with no plans to shed the office.. For more great income ideas, click for his latest report How To Live Off $500,000 Forever: 9 Diversified Plays For 7%+ Income.. I graduated from Cornell University and soon thereafter left Corporate America permanently at age 26 to co-found two successful SaaS (Software as a Service) companies..