12 Metaverse and Play-to-Earn Crypto Games Most Likely to Rise or Even Explode in 2022 (1/2) By DailyCoin – Investing.com

12 Metaverse and Play-to-Earn Crypto Games Most Likely to Rise or Even Explode in 2022 (1/2) By DailyCoin – Investing.com

12 Metaverse and Play-to-Earn Crypto Games Most Likely to Rise or Even Explode in 2022 (1/2)

2021 has shown that cryptocurrencies are just one aspect of the wider crypto world. The NFT boom, and the resulting rise in blockchain gaming, came to occupy a large portion of the media’s attention. The evolution is more than visible: while at first nobody understood the purpose of NFTs as a phenomenon, crypto games provided fully-working ecosystems for this new, innovative type of digital item, and now the burgeoning metaverse has hit the nail on the head. Everything has seemingly come full circle as Vitalik Buterin originally created because once of his gaming characters lost some of their abilities.

In his about.me page, he mentioned:

“I happily played World of Warcraft during 2007-2010, but one day Blizzard removed the damage component from my beloved warlock's Siphon Life spell. I cried myself to sleep, and on that day I realized what horrors centralized services can bring. I soon decided to quit.”

With the success of CryptoPunks, , Gala Games, and Decentraland, as well as The Sandbox, people started to wonder; who’s going to become the next trending blockchain game or metaverse worth paying attention to and investing