3 ‘Strong Buy’ Dividend Stocks to Consider as the Russia-Ukraine War Escalates

3 ‘Strong Buy’ Dividend Stocks to Consider as the Russia-Ukraine War Escalates

We’re closing in on two weeks since Russian forces invaded Ukraine, starting Europe’s largest land war since 1945. So far, the Western nations have avoided commitments to oppose Russian arms directly, and have responded by sending munitions and humanitarian aid to Ukraine while instituting sanctions against Russia. The situation is complicated by Russian’s position as a major producer in the global energy markets, and Europe’s increasing reliance in the past decade on Russian natural gas exports.

For the financial markets, the immediate effect of the war was to spark off a round of increased volatility. In this environment of uncertainty, investors are starting to look for financial ‘safe havens,’ somewhere to put their money that will weather the current storm. According to David Kostin, chief US equity strategist for Goldman Sachs, the logical place to look is among the high-yield dividend stocks.