Aggressive Investing Is Not What You Think It Is

Aggressive Investing Is Not What You Think It Is

Not all risk is equal


Focus on outcomes and investment process, not shiny bright objects

What the FOMO is going on? Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) has moved into the investor psyche. And, it has become the thing that wouldn't leave.

This has prompted investors of many many varieties to ask their financial advisors and themselves the type of questions that don't often come up. Whether it's an 80-year old retiree, a 48-year old business executive, or a 20-year old college student, it seems that hunting for “rocket” investments is the new national pastime. And, when the proverbial national pastime, baseball, returns in a few weeks, I do not expect aggressive investing fever to break.

Whether it's Bitcoin, high-flying meme stocks, SPACs or other headline-grabbing investment genres, there seems to be an insatiable desire to own them. Or, for newer investors, to figure out if they should own them.

I will not bore you with the concerns we investment strategists have when investment sentiment gets this frothy. I and many other commentators have said plenty about this in the buildup to this phase of the investment market cycle.

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