Apple Could Fall From the Tree in Q3, Warns Analyst

Apple Could Fall From the Tree in Q3, Warns Analyst

One week after Deutsche Bank analyst Sidney Ho urged investors, fearing a "volatile" tech market, to take refuge in Apple (AAPL) stock, Ho's colleague Rod Hall at Goldman Sachs agreed that Apple's probably going to come out on top when it reports fiscal Q2 2022 financial results.

Nevertheless, Hall counsels caution even on this stalwart of the tech industry.

Heading into fiscal Q2 2022 this afternoon, analysts in general are forecasting a strong performance from the fruity tech company -- $94 billion in sales, a 42.9% gross margin on those sales, and $1.43 per share on the bottom line. Hall actually thinks Apple will edge those numbers out, reporting $95 billion in sales, 43% margins, and $1.45 in per-share earnings. And yet, it's not fiscal Q2's earnings that worry Hall.