Ball in U.S. court on Russian Eurobond payments, finmin says – Reuters

Ball in U.S. court on Russian Eurobond payments, finmin says – Reuters

March 16 (Reuters) - The ball is in the United States' court as to whether payments due on Wednesday on two Russian dollar-denominated Eurobonds will go through, and Washington should clarify whether the settlements are possible, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said.

The economic cost of Russia's actions in Ukraine has been fully exposed as President Vladimir Putin's sanctions-ravaged government teeters on the brink of its first international debt default since the Bolshevik revolution. read more

Speaking in an interview with RT Arabic, Siluanov said Russia had sent an order on Monday to a correspondent bank for the payment of $117 million in coupons, and that it was now up to authorities in the United States on whether to accept it.