Bitcoin Breaks Above $50000 Showing Strength Against Weakness in the Stock Market – India

Bitcoin Breaks Above $50000 Showing Strength Against Weakness in the Stock Market – India

Unlike the crypto market, US stocks are having a rough October. It has actually been the most volatile month for stocks and historically seen them suffer their two worst crashes.

This week started with the S&P 500 sliding 1.3% and the dropping 0.9%. Tech-heavy also plunged 2.1%. Additionally, Apple (NASDAQ:) tumbled 2.5%, and Microsoft (NASDAQ:) moved down 2.1% while tech giants PayPal (NASDAQ:), Square (NYSE:), and Nvidia sold off sharply.

On Monday, Facebook (NASDAQ:) also went down, and so did all social networks the company owns, including Messenger, Instagram, and Whatsapp. Facebook’s virtual reality platform Oculus and its business communication tool, Workplace, were down as well.