Bookbites: A plethora of intriguing reading

Bookbites: A plethora of intriguing reading

On her way to a new job in America, Maria Puente accidentally discovers a human- trafficking ring. Fearing exposure, the American company that manages it kidnaps Maria. Maria's disappearance triggers a desperate search to find her before the kidnappers can permanently dispose of her. As the investigation unfolds, longtime Hogg County high sheriff Will Moser confronts Albert Waters, a powerful businessman who Will suspects knows about Maria's disappearance -- but Albert and his Mexican cartel partners prove to be brick walls. Will calls on Elijah Kahn, a man he got to know while serving in Vietnam who now runs one of the world's largest international security firms. This taut thriller culminates in a heart-pounding chase to save Maria. A continuation of the Blockchain Ethics consumer guide series that author Jamil Hasan first penned in 2018. He continues to address important trends in the media plaguing the retail consumer's ability to effectively and accurately understand the benefits of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology: specifically, media disinformation and misinformation. The author examines the more than 400 times that Bitcoin has been pronounced dead by "experts" in the mainstream media and dispels Bitcoin's demise by sharing excerpts from guests' podcast interviews while hosting them