Cryptocurrency update: Bitcoin plunges to its lowest since September 2021

Cryptocurrency update: Bitcoin plunges to its lowest since September 2021

Currently, bitcoin was trading at $42,128.13, which was 2.24 percent or $965.42 below compared to the opening trading value.

January 07, 2022 / 02:49 PM IST

Most popular cryptocurrency Bitcoin on January 7, 2022, plunged below $42,000, which is its lowest since September, 2021. Bitcoin touched $40,938, its lowest recorded since September 29.

According to, the crypto currency leader which has 39.92 percent market dominance and a market capital of $797,578,294,757, has lost over $27,000 or 40 percent since hitting a record high of almost $69,000 in November 2021.

Following the shutdown of Kazakhstan's internet due to the uprising, the global computing power of the bitcoin network has dropped sharply this week.

ALSO READ: Cryptocurrency Prices Today on January 7: Tepid markets as Bitcoin, Ethereum fall

According to the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, Kazakhstan became last year the world`s second-largest centre for bitcoin mining after the United States. This happened after Chinese authorities clamped down on crypto mining activity in late 2021.

Earlier on January 5, the authorities during the US Federal Reserve meeting appeared to lean toward more aggressive policy action, sapping investor appetite for riskier assets.

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