Elon Musk representatives were reportedly spotted at bitcoin titan Michael Saylor’s conference just days before the company’s $1.5 billion purchase became public

Elon Musk representatives were reportedly spotted at bitcoin titan Michael Saylor’s conference just days before the company’s $1.5 billion purchase became public

Representatives for Elon Musk' SpaceX were reportedly spotted at bitcoin titan Michael Saylor's conference just days before Tesla announced a $1.5 billion investment in the cryptocurrency.

Michael Saylor-a noted Bitcoin bull and CEO of business intelligence firm MicroStrategy-held a conference called "Bitcoin for Corporations" on February 3 and 4. The conference was meant to help corporate executives learn about the benefits of adopting Bitcoin in their portfolios.

Although Saylor's Microstrategy isn't a bitcoin miner itself, the company holds an aggregate total of 71,079 bitcoin, worth an estimated $3.3 billion at today's prices.

Saylor has long been an evangelist of cryptocurrencies; the CEO even traded comments with Elon Musk on Twitter back in December discussing the possibility of large purchases of digital assets.

Read More: UBS says bitcoin is a bubble and too volatile to diversify a portfolio, unlike gold - here's why the bank says it could end up 'worthless.'

Now there is more evidence that  Saylor may have played a role in getting Musk to make a big move in bitcoin.

In a recent Tweet, Ran Neuner, former host of CNBC's "Crypto Traders," said some of the executives attending Saylor's bitcoin event were sent by Elon Musk.

"I can confirm that Elon Musk had at least three people