Even The Stock Shopping Frenzy Didn’t Dethrone The Resilient US Dollar – Investing.com

Even The Stock Shopping Frenzy Didn’t Dethrone The Resilient US Dollar – Investing.com

After another (likely) short squeeze helped propel the higher on Dec. 21, and mining stocks benefited from the bulls’ enthusiasm. However, immense relative strength of the USD Index was hidden beneath the surface.

To explain, the frenzy on Dec. 21 was broad-based: the ARK Innovation ETF (NYSE:) jumped by 3.84%, Tesla (NASDAQ:) jumped by 4.29%, Uber (NYSE:) rallied by 5.72%, and popped by 3.66%. As a result, investors bought anything that had a ticker symbol—whether it was the bubble basket (ARK and Tesla) or the cyclicals that have been hurt by the Omicron variant (Uber and crude).

Despite that, though, the barely flinched. In the past, risk-on sentiment occurred at the U.S. dollar’s expense. Moreover, the , commodity, and EM currencies often caught a bid. However, with the greenback’s recent rally built on a solid fundamental foundation, the S&P 500’s surge couldn’t knock the dollar off of its lofty perch.