Factbox: Bitcoin’s march to the mainstream gathers pace – Reuters

Factbox: Bitcoin’s march to the mainstream gathers pace – Reuters

LONDON (Reuters) - Bitcoin hit a record high just shy of $65,000 last week, the latest landmark on the emerging asset's march to wider acceptance. Its gains have been fuelled by growing acceptance among major U.S. companies and financial firms.FILE PHOTO: A representation of virtual currency Bitcoin is seen in front of a stock graph in this illustration taken March 15, 2021. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration/File PhotoHere are some steps from big companies, large investors, banks and payment processors that have pushed bitcoin closer to the mainstream in recent months:INVESTMENTDec. 2020:* British fund manager Ruffer Investment Management says it made a bet on bitcoin worth in December around 550 million pounds ($765 million).Jan. 2021:* Investment bank JPMorgan Chase & Co says bitcoin could hit $146,000 if it becomes an established safe-haven.Feb. 2021:* Carmaker Tesla Inc announces it bought $1.5 billion in bitcoin and says it will soon accept the cryptocurrency as payment for its vehicles.March 2021:* Morgan Stanley becomes the first big U.S. bank to offer its wealth management clients access to bitcoin funds, CNBC reported.* Goldman Sachs Group Inc reopens its crypto trading desk and says it will offer investments in bitcoin and other digital assets to its wealth management clients