Gender equality: Why pay equity isn’t enough

  • Date: 02-Mar-2021
  • Source: World Economic Forum
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Middle East
  • Who else needs to know?

Gender equality: Why pay equity isn’t enough

Attempting to resolve the issue of pay inequality is not enough; we should put our efforts into innovatively reworking the employment system.

Research shows women perform roles that pay less per hour than men, such as pay roll and education.

Low paid populations also consist mostly of women, who are therefore more likely to see disruption to their jobs over the coming years.

Companies and policy makers need to ensure women receive better opportunities and start tackling gender inequality from new angles.

Fixing pay inequality is not the silver bullet solution to creating more inclusive fair organisations and economies (famous last words of the CEO of a company developing innovative pay equity and fair pay software). But an innovative rewiring of jobs, complete with a new innovative look at reward and compensation is.

For decades now, the need to create pay equity has been embedded in conversations about achieving fairness and inclusivity at work. While the World Economic Forum still puts us centuries behind achieving wage parity between men and women, current developments in the future of work (largely due to the growth of digital economies and COVID) risk pushing that even further out of reach.

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