Goldman Sachs Pounds the Table on These 2 New Stocks

Goldman Sachs Pounds the Table on These 2 New Stocks

“Everything that dies someday comes back,” sang the Boss, all the way back in 1982. And today, economists and investors are fielding worries that stagflation has staged a comeback. The word refers to the toxic combination of stagnant demand, stubbornly persistent inflation, and high unemployment that wrecked the Carter Presidency just a few years before that Springsteen classic was released – and today’s economic and market environment is starting to resemble those times.

Nothing repeats perfectly, and so the main headwinds have changed in 40 years. Today, the pressure comes from a disrupted supply chain, trillions of dollars in fiscal stimulus, and a labor shortage. Based on those concerns, inflation hit 5.3% annualized in September.