Here’s My Personal 2-Step Dividend Investing Plan For 2022

Here’s My Personal 2-Step Dividend Investing Plan For 2022

Let's take the hint from the past couple of weeks—2022 looks choppy. And why wouldn't it? Our prolific money printer Jay Powell has (finally) admitted that inflation is real (not transitory). His easy money had been floating the market. Now, with Jay reappointed and looking to assuage his Congressional colleagues about rising prices, he's about to reverse the flow of money. This will likely reverse the rising tide of the market and expose select stocks. But we dividend investors needn't panic. With 2022 turning into a stock picker's market, this is our time to shine. A fragmented market is just fine for us. In fact, our favorite high-quality income stocks are likely to benefit from an upcoming rush to quality. So let's beat the investing herd to the dividends with this "all weather" income strategy for 2022. Forget "Buy and Hold." "Buy and Fold" Is Our Best Play for '22 This isn't a market for "set it and forget it" strategies like buy and hold—unless you don't mind a case of severe nausea! Instead we'll follow a "buy and fold" strategy, picking up undervalued stocks (see names and tickers below) riding them higher and then "folding" them into our next