How Crypto Investors Are Handling Plunging Prices

How Crypto Investors Are Handling Plunging Prices

Amid a sharp plunge for Bitcoin and other top tokens like Ethereum and Solana, some cryptocurrency investors say they’re taking a long-term view of the market to weather the storm.

Following a rough week, Bitcoin’s price climbed back up to hover in the $38,000-39,000 at last check on Tuesday morning, according to CoinDesk. This latest gain comes in the wake of a downward slump that’s seen the world’s largest digital currency sink below $33,000 for the first time since July, more than halving in value since peaking at a record high of nearly $69,000 in November. Ethereum, the second-largest digital currency by market cap, has also experienced a big drop, hitting a six-month low when it fell to $2,176.41 on Jan. 24.

The crypto market as a whole has decreased in value by more than $1 trillion since Bitcoin’s all-time high, showcasing the sector’s tendency toward extreme price swings. Still, Wendy O, a popular crypto TikToker better known online as CryptoWendyO, says this level of volatility is simply par for the crypto course.

“Crypto is very volatile,” she tells TIME. “We’re going to have nasty downturns. And that’s okay. People get confused and think,