If You Think Netflix Was Bad, Watch Out For These 300 Stocks

If You Think Netflix Was Bad, Watch Out For These 300 Stocks

The investing world's myopic focus on inflation lately is naturally leading to comparisons to the rampant inflation of the 1970s, and others want to point to the Great Financial Crisis when they see housing prices ballooning the way they have over the past two years. A whole separate group of crypto bros and gold bugs are still convinced we're headed to a special unprecedented financial Armageddon that has something to do with the bond market and the Fed and the dollar crashing, but none of that looks remotely accurate at the moment. There's no reason to make the problem more convoluted than it needs to be. The most obvious historical parallel for today is the Internet boom and bust. A bunch of disruptive technology companies that posted extraordinary sales growth, made old businesses obsolete, and are now past their peak growth phase. You don't need destructive inflation for this market to inflict pain on the investors who still haven't come to terms with this. Remember when AR AR K ARKK K bulls said it was oversold down 25%? Then 50%? Now we're 60% off the highs and about to make new lows. Microsoft MSFT was a relatively strong performer in