Metamining Uses An Innovative Cooling Solution To Make Bitcoin Mining Farms Viable In The Middle East By DailyCoin –

Metamining Uses An Innovative Cooling Solution To Make Bitcoin Mining Farms Viable In The Middle East By DailyCoin –

The company has announced that it evolved into one of the most profitable Bitcoin mining operations worldwide. combined with the Middle East’s affordable electricity rates and a new partnership to finance development and IPO structuring assistance, pave the way for even better things in the future.

An operation on this scale requires future expansion opportunities and solid maintenance. Metamining founder and engineer Sarah Sacrispeyre has come up with a solution to make that possible. Through a modular approach, she is able to save costs and enhance overall maintenance and efficiency to current operations while still allowing for future expansion.

Sarah Sacrispeyre has set up Metamining with her husband, a Business Angel who successfully sold his insurance business previously.