‘No funds to buy workers’ leave’; Major govt agencies face deficit – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait News

‘No funds to buy workers’ leave’; Major govt agencies face deficit – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait News

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KUWAIT CITY, June 5: According to informed sources, government agencies, especially the major ones, are facing a financial deficit in providing funds for purchasing the balance of leave days of their employees who meet the prescribed conditions, reports Al-Rai daily. They explained that the start of the implementation of the procedure requires a consolidative financial link to the balance sheet, with the total value of the leaves due for purchase, which is not currently available.

This may make it likely that the transfer of the value of the leave balance to those who deserve it will falter, at least in the near future. The government agencies had recently addressed the Ministry of Finance of being financially and technically ready to implement the decision to purchase the balance of their employees’ leave days, and had affirmed that their budget had the appropriate liquidity for covering the purchase of the balance of their employees’ leave days according to the established conditions.