‘Quadruple witching’ Friday to see $818 billion single stock options expiration – Goldman By Reuters – Investing.com

‘Quadruple witching’ Friday to see $818 billion single stock options expiration – Goldman By Reuters – Investing.com

By Medha Singh and Saqib Iqbal Ahmed

(Reuters) - A near-record dollar amount of single stock equity options -totaling $818 billion - is set to expire at the close of trading on Friday afternoon, potentially driving sharp moves in some stocks throughout the day, Goldman Sachs (NYSE:) analysts wrote.

A recent surge in interest in options trading, fueled in part by droves of retail traders looking to place wagers on the swings in so-called meme stocks such as GameStop Corp (NYSE:) and AMC Entertainment (NYSE:) Holdings, has boosted trading in U.S. single stock options to record highs this year.