Revealed: The target sectors for wealthy Middle East investors in 2021

Revealed: The target sectors for wealthy Middle East investors in 2021

Logistics, residential real estate rentals and healthcare are likely to be drivers for investment for the wealthiest in the Middle East this year, according to Knight Frank's Wealth Report 2021.

Interest in data centres and the industrial sector are also set to increase among ultra-high-net-worth individuals (UHNWIs), those with $30 million or more, in the region, according to new data.

The Wealth Report 2021, published on Wednesday, showed that private capital has been undeterred by the Covid-19 pandemic and has continued to invest in commercial real estate around the world.

About 35,000 high net worth individuals are thought to have migrated to the UAE in the past 20 years - report

The volume of private capital invested globally was about $232 billion - 9 percent above the ten-year average, albeit down on 2019 levels.

Looking forward, the Knight Frank Attitudes Survey highlighted that a quarter of UHNWIs plan to invest in commercial real estate assets in 2021. In the Middle East, this number sits slightly lower at 23 percent.

The US ($141.7 billion), Germany ($11.1 billion) and the UK ($10.6 billion) were the top three countries for private capital real estate investments in 2020 with the majority of countries in the top 10 relying on domestic