Seamless Middle East 2022: Day One

Seamless Middle East 2022: Day One

More than 10,000 visitors are registered for the event with 350 speakers lined up – with live attractions, demonstrations and product launches on the Dubai World Trade Centre expo floor. The Fintech Times team headed along to engaging sessions in the conference theatres with our morning kicking off with a panel focused on embracing the experiential, collaborative and automated paradigm. “It’s very important to recognise that your customer who is a smart customer needs to feel they have control and has trust in that interaction with a financial institution,” commented Vikram Sandhu, senior VP of digital transformation at Emirates NBD . Later, his Excellency Dr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, secretary general of the Arab League , delivered an afternoon opening speech while unveiling the Arab Digital Economy Index Report, an important initiative of the Arab vision that reflects on the current digital economic situation of all Arab Countries. The report aims to reflect the current digital and economic situation of all Arab countries, highlighting strengths, opportunities and areas of development. It also provides key insights and recommendations to policymakers across the Arab region to achieve long-term economic and digital growth objectives, improve productivity levels, and grow the labour market and business.