Semiconductor Giant Intel Is Too Cheap To Ignore

Semiconductor Giant Intel Is Too Cheap To Ignore

Semiconductor giant Intel beat earnings-per-share estimates in 32 consecutive quarters. Intel (INTC) ended Tuesday, March 15 at $44. 81, just below its monthly pivot for March at $44. 97. This was a buying opportunity as its quarterly pivot is $49. 48. Longer term the annual risky level is $65. 77. President Biden recently indicated that he plans to spend $52 billion in U. S. semiconductor manufacturing. Intel is fundamentally cheap. Its p/e ratio is just 8. 38% and the company offers a generous dividend of 3. 19%, according to Macrotrends. The semiconductor giant beat earnings-per-share estimates in 32 consecutive quarters. The Daily Chart for Intel Daily Chart for Intel Shares of Intel traded as low as $43. 61 on October 30, 2020. This was a positive key reversal buy signal as the day's close was above the prior day's high. The bull market from this low reached $68. 49 on April 12, 2021. The gain was 57%. April 12, 2021 was a negative key reversal sell signal as the day's close was below the prior day's low. The 2022 low of $43. 63 was set on February 24. The bear market decline from the $68. 49 high to this low