Spanish bitcoin startup Bitnovo is working on a universal POS for stores to accept cryptocurrencies as a means of payment

Spanish bitcoin startup Bitnovo is working on a universal POS for stores to accept cryptocurrencies as a means of payment

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Cryptocurrencies have been on everyone's lips over the last few weeks due to their sharp rise in price and the popularized dogecoin, both driven to some extent by Elon Musk's tweets.

Other institutional investors and large corporations have also shown their support for these assets in recent months. Significantly, Paypal, which drove up the price of bitcoin in October and marked the start of a bull rally in which the cryptocurrency is still riding.

Encouraged by the price rise and institutional backing, many individual investors have taken the plunge into investing in cryptocurrencies. Doing so is not as easy as it seems: once purchased, they need to be stored in digital wallets: they can be both physical and virtual, and usually have 2-step verification systems and long passwords.

Spanish startup Bitnovo's solution to end the complexities of the process was to start selling redeemable coupons in physical establishments such as Fnac, Worten, Game, and Eroski, among others, for amounts starting at 25 euros.

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