The 8 Countries That Mined The Most Bitcoins in 2021 By DailyCoin –

The 8 Countries That Mined The Most Bitcoins in 2021 By DailyCoin –

2021 has been a year of growth for and the other cryptocurrencies. This global crypto boom has prompted hundreds of mining companies around the world to seize the moment and establish their farms in various countries that offer better conditions for activity.

Cryptocurrencies in general are not only attractive assets for investors and speculators. They are also an industry that attracts miners, large and small, looking to make big profits at a time when the price of bitcoin has doubled in less than a year.

Between 2019 and the first quarter of 2021, China was the epicenter of global bitcoin mining. Until May, the Asian giant tolerated bitcoin mining that grew to unsuspected levels in recent years. The red dragon came to concentrate more than 75% of all bitcoin mining activity in the world.