The ‘Queen of Crypto’ Najah Roberts to Host Crypto Education Segment on Tavis Smiley’s Award Winning KBLA Talk 1580

The ‘Queen of Crypto’ Najah Roberts to Host Crypto Education Segment on Tavis Smiley’s Award Winning KBLA Talk 1580

LOS ANGELES, CA, USA, January 11, 2022 /EINPresswire. com / -- Najah Roberts , known as The 'Queen of Crypto', will be taking over for Tavis Smiley every Friday morning this month from 9AM-12PM with an original show titled"Ahead of The Crypto Curve". The informative segment aims to educate KBLA Talk 1580 listeners on Bitcoin, Altcoins, Wallets, and all things Crypto related. Introducing more African-Americans to Cryptocurrency has been Mrs. Roberts' driving focus for many years."I want to lead my people to financial freedom," says Najah,"I'm grateful Tavis Smiley is unapologetically progressive and took a chance on educating his community on a touchy subject. It is my hope to reach as many people as I possibly can. This Crypto space isn't going away, and our communities need this information so we don't get left behind." Najah currently hosts a room called"Crypto Virgin Hour" on the popular social app Clubhouse, where people around the world join in every day at Noon to ask questions and get her unfiltered insight."I know when I listen in, I'm going to get the truth - Ms. Najah dedicates her time to helping us understand what's going on and doesn't sugar coat anything." Said loyal listener