This Has Gone Up More Than Bitcoin, And Retirees Should Take Notice

This Has Gone Up More Than Bitcoin, And Retirees Should Take Notice

However, that gain has likely been garnered more by younger investors and some early-adopters in the "big money" crowd. The retiree or pre-retiree has probably spent much of the last year trying to determine how much stock volatility they can take on. After all, last Friday was the one-year anniversary of last year's S&P 500 top. Five weeks later, as of March 23, 2020, that index had lost about 1/3 of its value. Then, it made it back, and more. That was about the fastest drop and fastest recovery of that magnitude investors have ever seen. Regardless of how the past 12 months have treated your portfolio, it should have been a great time to take account of your objectives and strategy as an investor. As noted above, and shown in the chart below, Bitcoin has been on a tear during that time, barely stopping to catch its breath and let new potential investors in. Regardless of what you think of the fundamental rationale for owning cryptocurrencies, the one thing that doesn't lie is price. And when it comes to price, Bitcoin has been a winner the past 12 months. However, if you are the type of investor that is