Venture capitalists rush to emerging venture markets for growth

Venture capitalists rush to emerging venture markets for growth

Emerging Venture Markets span Middle East, Africa, Pakistan and Turkey 2021 saw the highest level of investment into emerging venture markets -$6.8B Biggest number of VC deals ever recorded in emerging venture markets - 267% in deals when compared to 2020. Record year for mega deals - $100M+, up 924% from 2020 Dubai – The inaugural edition of the MAGNiTT Emerging Venture Markets Report unveils the rush by venture capitalists (“VCs”) into emerging venture markets (“EVMs”) for growth. EVMs covered by MAGNiTT’s new report include Middle East, Africa, Pakistan and Turkey. Philip Bahoshy, CEO & Founder of MAGNiTT, the leading data platform covering Venture Capital in Emerging Venture Markets, said, “2021 has in fact been more than just a record-breaking year for VCs, rather it has been a defining year. While the global pandemic posed great pressures on governments, private sectors, and startup ecosystems alike; the year 2021 marked the resurgence of VC activity tenfold.” The report reveals unprecedented regional and global investor participation across markets and a new record of funding crossing $6Bn in Emerging Venture Markets, as well as the fact that FinTech is the leading industry amidst an exceptional growth of T&L and E-commerce. Five overall EVMs