Virtual Asset Trading Platform MidChains Enrols on Visa’s Fintech Fast Track Programme

Virtual Asset Trading Platform MidChains Enrols on Visa’s Fintech Fast Track Programme

Based in Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) and licensed by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority , the virtual asset trading platform’s enrolment on the programme is set to better its ability to leverage the reach, capabilities, and security of VisaNet, the company’s global payment network. By joining Visa’s Fintech Fast Track programme, MidChains now has the ability to access Visa’s growing partner network as well as experts who can provide guidance in helping them get up and running in the most efficient way possible. MidChains is using its position within the programme to prepare to launch a Visa payment credential connected to its platform. This integration will allow its users to convert and spend virtual assets such as cryptocurrency at one of Visa’s 80 million merchant partners worldwide. With sovereign wealth fund backing in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, MidChains offers various differing investing and trading tools and a client rebate programme, whilst its trading software and hardware are capable of executing trades at speed. “Our Visa partnership…bridges the gap with traditional finance and allows us to bring crypto to a much larger network of consumers. Following best practices, consumer protection and regulatory compliance while driving innovation