Warren Buffett wouldn’t buy ‘all of the bitcoin in the world’ for $25: ‘It doesn’t produce anything’

Warren Buffett wouldn’t buy ‘all of the bitcoin in the world’ for $25: ‘It doesn’t produce anything’

It doesn't look like legendary investor Warren Buffett will be adding bitcoin to his portfolio any time soon. Asked Saturday at the if he had changed his views on bitcoin or crypto, the 91-year-old investor didn't mince his words. Buffett by saying that if all the attendees in the room owned "all the farmland in the United States" or "all the apartments in the country" and they offered him a 1% stake for $25 billion, he would write them a check on the spot. But he wouldn't do the same for bitcoin and its . "If you ... owned all of the bitcoin in the world and you offered it to me for $25, I wouldn't take it," Buffett said. "Because what would I do with it? I'll have to sell it back to you one way or another. It isn't going to do anything." He described his views on farmland and rental properties versus bitcoin as "the difference between productive assets and something that depends on the next guy paying you more than the last guy got." "The apartments are going to produce rent and the farms are going to produce food," he said. "If I've got all the