Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway reported Q3 earnings on Saturday. Here are the 4 big takeaways.

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway reported Q3 earnings on Saturday. Here are the 4 big takeaways.

Warren Buffett's reported on Saturday. They on its limited stock-market activity, aggressive share repurchases, mushrooming cash reserves, and how most of its subsidiaries bounced back from the pandemic, while others battled inflation and labor shortages. Here are the four key takeaways: Buffett's company sold about $2 billion worth of stocks on a net basis last quarter, up from $1.1 billion in the second quarter. The famed investor and his team disposed of a net $7 billion of stocks in the nine months to September 30, suggesting they found little worth buying and opted to pocket some profits and . Berkshire sold about $600 million worth of financial stocks and $500 million of commercial and industrial stocks on a cost basis in the period. Meanwhile, it invested about $90 million in consumer-product stocks on the same basis. The company will disclose the contents of its US stock portfolio as of September 30 next week. Buffett's conglomerate spent $7.6 billion on stock buybacks last quarter, up from $6 billion in the second quarter. It has spent roughly $45 billion on share repurchases in the 21 months to September 30 - far exceeding the $36 billion it spent between 2016 and 2018. Berkshire