When The Value Stocks Take Over From The Growth Stocks

When The Value Stocks Take Over From The Growth Stocks

Business women working with stock market will late, working from home They don't raise a warning flag or sound some kind of alarm because no one really notices at first. The transition is so subtle and low key that even Wall Street's most sophisticated artificial intelligence tends to be late to the change of scenery. A few old timers may make some noises but the smart kids running the big funds tuned them out long ago. Those caught off guard keep getting invited on to CNBC to sadly explain away the 30% or 40% drops in price attached to anything sporting the formerly worshiped "innovation" word. The new highs list begins to show names other than the big tech and social media giants. Instead, there are steel companies you haven't heard of in years and some old school brand name insurance companies. Here's the weekly price chart for the NASDAQ NDAQ -100: It was a nice run from the March, 2020 pandemic lows all the way up to the November, 2021 peak. The failure to make a new high in December presaged the subsequent dive once the new year began. From 16500 down to 13000 before this index finally bounced