Who Are The Other Commissioners Clogging Fast Crypto Approval? By DailyCoin – Investing.com

Who Are The Other Commissioners Clogging Fast Crypto Approval? By DailyCoin – Investing.com

Financial watchdogs may be a thorn in the side of businesses, but they maintain fair and orderly markets, protect investors, and promote macroeconomic stability.

The type of person at the head of these watchdogs, better known to businesses as the chairperson of the authority, can say a lot about what policies can be expected going forward. This is why it's important to know who they are, and their feelings towards a particular market. Despite this, even a well known, seasoned chairperson can spring some surprises.

Gary Gensler, the head of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), was formerly a blockchain, digital currencies, and Fintech professor at MIT Sloan university, meaning that the cryptoverse widely anticipated having a supporter at the SEC. This week, however, Gary Gensler shattered hopes of quick approval for Bitcoin ETFs.