Will Bitcoin Rise to the $60K Levels Again? 3 Reasons to Believe So!

Will Bitcoin Rise to the $60K Levels Again? 3 Reasons to Believe So!

As many bitcoin maximalists believe that the first truly digital currency is poised to retest the $60,000 level again, lo and behold, in the light of the recent events, some other traders are beginning to doubt that especially that BTC price appears to be glued around $30k levels.

Several factors, including growing inflation, geopolitical crises, altering US monetary policy, and the Terra situation took its toll on the whole crypto market and it’s still a potential risk to the industry ecosystem, but unlike any other cryptocurrency Bitcoin has rooted fundamentals.

Until retail investor demand achieves its full potential of hundreds of billions of dollars, the supply/demand dynamic for BTC is still quite favorable and bursting with upward trends. So far in its brief existence, bitcoin has generated a significant amount of wealth. And I personally believe that it will continue to do so. But would I invest my entire life savings in bitcoin? No way. Would I put down a reasonable amount of money and trade? Absolutely!