You Want Clean Bitcoin? Here’s How That Can Happen By DailyCoin –

You Want Clean Bitcoin? Here’s How That Can Happen By DailyCoin –

You Want Clean Bitcoin? Here's How That Can Happen

Cryptocurrencies have always been controversial. Some people argue about whether they should be valuable. Others debate their morality and how they're excellent for criminal operations. Finally, even experts weigh up whether they'll crash or not.

That brings us to clean . You might think the “clean” in its name refers to being legitimate—not coming from criminal activity. However, it's related to Bitcoin's mining operations and their energy consumption.

Are you interested in acquiring clean Bitcoin? Do you care about the environment and want to do something about it? That's what you'll learn about today.

What Is Clean Bitcoin?

Many argue that Bitcoin is better than fiat money for the environment. After all, it's entirely digital, so printing paper and dealing with residue are not problems. However, the reality is more complex than that argument suggests.

Mining Bitcoin—which is how people generate new coins—requires considerable electrical power. This consumption has led to doubts about Bitcoin's environmental implications.

Clean Bitcoin refers to Bitcoin mined using sustainable methods: solar power, hydroelectricity, and anything not relying on coal and similar fuels.

What Do Experts Think About Clean Bitcoin?

Kevin O'Leary, the famous investor, recently announced that he'd only buy clean Bitcoin. He stated that,