How to Invest Internationally

How to Invest Internationally

Bill Mann breaks down investing in international stocks.. For the Wildcard Wednesday, we have a really special guest and all-around amazing investor with us, Bill Mann, who is going to break down what it means to be an international investor.. Mann: It really doesn't mean much, and in some ways, every investor is an international investor, even if you own stocks that are only domiciled in the United States.. But to be an international investor means that you are specifically looking outside of the United States for investing opportunities.. Yes, you can get plenty of exposure investing in U.S. companies.. Flippen: So maybe buy the U.S. aggregate funds, so, like, index funds, but diversify your portfolio with some smaller international companies that you wouldn't otherwise get exposure to.. You have to get exposure to something like that through Bakkafrost, which is a Faroese company that trades in Norway.. But 's the thing, so salmon is the most dense -- do you like how we've transitioned straight to salmon?!. And by the way, when we talk about international investing, and we'll talk about the vehicles in just a few minutes, there are hundreds of companies that are really easy to buy