Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway plowed $2.1 billion into Bank of America stock in 12 days last year. It has nearly doubled its money already.

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway plowed $2.1 billion into Bank of America stock in 12 days last year. It has nearly doubled its money already.

After Warren Buffett failed to scoop up bargains during the pandemic crash last year, critics . The famed investor showcased his agility a few months later by into stock in the space of 12 trading days - and has almost doubled his money on the bet already. Buffett's conglomerate pounced on the bank's shares in late July and early August last year, when they were trading in the $23-to-$25 range, . The stock has surged more than 80% since then to close above $45 on Thursday, marking its highest level since the financial crisis. As a result, the roughly 85 million Bank of America shares that Berkshire bought last year are now worth $3.8 billion, representing a $1.7 billion gain in 14 months. Berkshire's purchases boosted its Bank of America holding to just over 1 billion shares, giving it a 12% stake worth more than $45 billion at the current stock price. The conglomerate's shows it spent less than $15 billion building the position, indicating it's made an unrealized gain of about $30 billion on the wager. Buffett's company has counted Bank of America as one of its biggest holdings for years, so its aggressive buying of the stock last